Friday, June 24, 2011

Technical Difficulties

UPDATE: I think I figured it out, I changed something in the comment settings, from 'embedded' to 'full page' and it seems to work. For those of you who had trouble commenting before, can you let me know if the glitch is now fixed?

Oh, I am back to private again, yes. Sorry for the technical difficulties.

I am going to 'open' the blog back up for a few days while I figure out what to do with the comment glitch. (I will delete the previous post for obvious reasons)

I know that many of you aren't able to comment on my post - since I've gone private... but you could on my first private post, which is weird.

But when my blog is 'open' you are able to comment.

Any idea why?

15 comments: said...

ok see now here i can comment again.. I dont know whats wrong. i thought maybe jeff had turned something on, on the computer.. NO Ideas.. But this is weird.. OK OK I am off to bed again for few hours.. Talk soon..

Conquering Cancer By Living Well said...

Yes, I can comment as well! Very strange! Hope all is well and you're having a good weekend!

KittyDobson said...

Have you contacted blogger?? Cuz thats really odd!!!

Sayre said...

It may have just been a temporary glitch. I was able to comment when I came back later. And I'm thinking you must still be private as your blog didn't update on my blogroll...

Knock knock - it's cancer! said...

It doesn't seem to be a temporary glitch, people seemed to be having major issues with it all day. And when I switched from private to open, all of a sudden those issues were gone.

Sayre - i don't know why you were able to comment once but not before, that does seem glitchy. But we tried it with Brad's email (he's invited to the private blog obviously, and when we tried it with his email it would not work. The box would show up, but he couldn't get his curser in it.)

Now that I'm open again, it seems to work for everyone.

PS - the reason this doesn't show up in your blogroll Sayre, is because I wrote the post while I was still private, and just opened the blog after. (At least I think that's why)

UGH.... Blogger :(

Eileen said...

I comment. said...

now i can comment i think.. hopefully at least. i have been having issues commenting on my own blog lately.. leaving feed back. it keeps me bouncing from blog to sign in page..LOL.. Not sure whats wrong..

KittyDobson said...

I was always able to comment, here's hoping I still can!!!

Conquering Cancer By Living Well said...

I can now comment and you are "private" at the moment again, so it looks like all is well from my end...hope it has fixed itself for you!! Have a wonderful sunny day!!

Kathy said...

No problem here either way. I missed the last post though, but not the first private one. Ah, technology.

Conquering Cancer By Living Well said...

Hi there! Yes, it seems to be working! Yesterday I got into the comment portion, typed out my message, but when I hit "publish your comment" it made the screen blank...Glad you are back up and running!

RoseAnn said...

I can comment again...yay! I assumed at first it was based on security settings at work but was having the identical problem at home. Glad you figured out the fix, hopefully!

I intended to comment on the now-deleted post...I completely understand about going private. I went from open to non-family only because that's who I was venting about on my blog. Those relationships are difficult enough without adding internet comments into the mix. LOL

In the interest of reciprocity, if you want an invite to my blog, email me at roseannmartin~at~comcast~dot~net

Anonymous G said...


can you hear me now?

argh. technology!

i finally got myself a smartphone today and we've been trying to get acquainted....

ok. hoping to publish!!

*fingers crossed*

VV said...

You okay? No post in 2 weeks. Hope you're just lazing by the beach, taking it easy.

Nicole said...

I can comment again :)