Thursday, April 21, 2011

Click click click

It's been about 2 weeks since I've started putting up adverts on my page, at someone else's prompting.
I know they're lame, but hey, I get 4 cents each time one of you clicks on these ads.

I never mentioned it before, since I didn't think anyone would actually click on any of them. After all, have you seen the ads? They've been all about hair loss!

Kinda gloomy if you ask me.
(I guess they taylor them to whatever the topic on the blog is)

Well, guess what? Today I got a cheque for 10 bucks.

Woohoo, a whole TEN dollars. Out of the blue.

What should I do with my new-found fortune?

I know, I will go and buy myself a new hat!

To those of you who have wondered what the ads were, now you know.
And to those of you who clicked on them, thank you.

Feel free to click on them any time... I could always use some more hats!

This weekend is busy with family and chocolate, I will catch you all next week and I'll talk about my bone scan then. (hopefully I'll have the results by tuesday)

I hope you all have a sunny weekend.


Anonymous said...

Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy your new hat :)

Knock knock - it's cancer! said...

Embracing - have a great weekend too! It's good to 'see you' again :) said...

Happy Easter my friend and enjoy it.. I want pix of the kids egg hunting.. Yes enjoy the new hat.. Dont get sunburned though..

VV said...

Happy weekend and Happy Easter!

Sayre said...

Serendipitous money!!! Always welcome. As are pretty new hats...

Have a wonderful weekend - catch you on the other side!

Attila the Mom said...

Ok, I clicked. Maybe soon enough for a pizza! LOL

nancyspoint said...

Here's to lots of clicks! Waiting to hear about the scan results. Enjoy the time with family, new hat and all the chocolate!

Knock knock - it's cancer! said...

Tweets and VV - happy Easter to both you gals, hope you spend a nice weekend with your families.

Sayre - you've been one busy woman with all the stuffing. WOW!! (I always forget about your other blog, I think I'll go link to it now, so I can remember) I love that word by the way, 'serendipitous' - love it :)

Attila - oooh, pizza? Do I dare to dream? LOL

Nancy - bone scan results, I know, how nerveracking, right before a long weekend, figures...

CancerCultureChronicles said...

I'd take that $10 and go and buy a LOT of chocolate. And then eat it all. I think you deserve it. :)

Anonymous said...

I just clicked. Hope you get something really good--you're due!

VV said...

Everything okay?