I've mentioned that I got asked to write a story for HugsforStrength.com a while ago. Well, today, they informed me that my story is up.
Click HERE to read it.
Hugsforstrength.com connects survivor through stories, experiences and pieces of fabric, that can represent a connection between ones who've walked this road, and others who are just beginning.
I am truly honored to have shared my experience with them, and be part of their wonderful network.
If you are a new reader (or came here via hugsforstrength.com) and would like me to 'invite you' to read my blog once it goes private, please leave your email in the comments and I will be sure to add it to my 'ivitee list'
What an eloquent story! You are beautiful and amazing on the inside and the outside. Congratulations on that final chemo coming up and you do deserve a HUGE celebration, it has been a rough road, but no one ever said it would be easy.
Michelle: your story is wonderful. What a fantastic person you are. You should be so proud!
I know it is not my place to be proud of you but I am anyway. You haven't talked too much about your kids here on the blog, but in your story it's mostly about your kids and how you (and they) have handled things. And I think that may be the thing that makes me proudest. You're a good mama. You have your priorities in the right place. And you're not afraid to share that with anyone who is interested to know. Perhaps the thing I am really proud of is that you and I call each other "friend." Excellent job, Michelle - your article was upbeat and positive which is what needs to be out there for other people to see.
For some reason, I can't seem to sign in. I'm not anonymous... I'm Sayre!
I loved your story. There are a lot of life lessons in there in those first couple of paragraphs. These are the lessons some of us learn early and too many of us learn too late. I'm cheering for you over the pig roast and birthday cake. M and her twin sister did that for their 40th birthday and it was a blast. As for the life lessons, I've been thinking about them in my own life lately as we laid to rest a friend and co-worker who recently died of a form of ovarian cancer. Seeing the choices she made, seeing how others were impacted, how they reacted, all the way to yesterday's memorial service has made me self-reflective. Am I living my best life? How am I impacting those around me? What will I leave behind? You're so right, the "shell," the hair, the boobs, the vanity, is a distraction. Really it's about how fully did you live and how deeply did you love. Now to work on incorporating that mindset into daily living.
Mandi - thank you. You're right. It's not easy. I'm so glad chemo is almost over (and that in your case, it already ended)
Michele - I am thankful for your compliment :)
Sayre - you brought tears to my eyes. You're right, I don't write about the kids that much, not on this blog anyway - not anywhere, but when I decided to write 'my story' I wanted to bring the kid element to it... the clinical side had been told a thousand times already. Thanks for saying I'm a 'good mama' - it's the one thing that means most to me in my life.
VV - I am so sorry for your loss, your friend that just passed away. I hear you - working on incorporating this mindset into daily living... I think it's something that most of us would like to incorporate, at least on paper it sounds good, but living that way is a whole other thing. I may not have been as focused on doing it had cancer not knocked on my door. It re-shifted, re-prioritized and re-organized my whole life - with little regard to my liking. In some ways, I am glad it did.
loved your story!!! got me teary and I love the silver lining you found - hugs xxx
Loved your story & would love to keep intouch, but it's ok if you are not as 'out there' as me (i have an 'open' blog...Although i have never thought of it as 'open' before lol!) You might like to consider it though as i think that you could be of wonderful help (and hope) to a great many people as you have a wonderful attitude ChEErs, Vicki x
I just read your story and left a comment on it. Michelle, you are truly an amazing woman. You have given me strength by hearing your story and witnessing your kick-ass attitude! I thank my lucky stars for meeting you and quickly becoming friends!! I hope you are feeling okay - you're probably just over the yucky side effects from the chemo? Hang in there and in a few more days you'll feel like your usual self. I'm so very proud of you and your story and how you wrote it!! Hugs!
I would love to be added to your email list Michelle. I've been following your journey and am impressed with your courage in telling it. (I would be your reader who sent the link in the Ottawa Citizen to your "The World is Ending" guy)
Mahoo - I'd love to add you, what is your email address??
Michelle - I know you don't know me, but I stumbled across your blog while doing a google search for information about my port surgery tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know that while I'm sorry you too have gone through this, I am happy to see someone "living" with cancer. I found my lump in March of this year and received my cancer diagnosis 2 days before my 32nd birthday. I look forward to reading your blog to see how you've surpassed the steps I'm just looking to take. Thanks for being an inspiration to another cancer patient!
WOW that was quick, I'm still reading through your blog... my email is kmott326@yahoo.com I would love to be able to keep in contact with you, it helps to know someone knows how I'm really feeling!!
You're such a great writer and your gift is how you present your story with such balls-out honesty. I feel like I've known you for years after reading that. And now I hope that I know you for many more years to come. Well done, my friend.
You are a strong and very good person. I am so proud of you for sharing your experience with these people.. I dont know if i could do what you are going through.. So what ever your doing keep up the good work and i am so glad you have a great partner to help you through this too.
I absolutely loved reading your story! Bravo to you! I love your honesty, humor and spunk!
Hey, I commented on this and my comment isn't here.
Great story and love that your're sharing your 'experience, strength and hope' with others.
Michelle, Your story was so beautifully written. Thanks so much for sharing. Your kids are so lucky to have such an amazing mom! I hope that you have a wonderful 36th birthday party.
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